Monday 8 October 2007

02/18 - lick2

Yes, this actually happened.

Saturday 6 October 2007


Woot. Finally, away from freewebs and the suckiness thereof. So yeah! HAI GUYS OLO!!11111!1!!eleventytwleve.

02/17 - skirt

02/16 - clarke

02/15 - bidet

02/14 - temporal

02/13 - france

02/12 - necklace

02/11 - oasis

01/10 - mascara

01/09 - flies

01/08 - gee

01/07 - hat

01/06 - buster

01/05 - hate

01/04 - lick

01/03 - pencil

01/02 - hair

01/01 - intro